Our club is a member of Chapter 8, Region 4 of the International Plastic Modelers Society (IPMS). We have been active in the Bay City-Saginaw-Midland area since the 1980’s. Our club meetings are on the first Thursday of the month (except for holidays) at the Zauel Memorial Library, located at 3100 N. Center Rd. in Saginaw Twp., Michigan. 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
The purpose of our club is to enjoy the hobby of scale model building, while sharing our skills with our community. Our club hosts a yearly contest & show that brings together some of the best model builders in the Great Lakes Bay region. We also promote the hobby within our community by hosting numerous Make-It- Take-It classes at local library, museums, and car shows.
Our monthly meetings usually include show-and-tell of current projects, sharing of ideas and techniques, how-to demonstrations, and much more.